My name is Muhammad Hassan and I am Founder and Administrator of this blog.My qualification is Matric and now Inter Part II is continue...I have basic skills of HTML , PHP, CSS. Web Designing , Some about Graphic Designing ,Also getting expert at Seo ,Smo etc..
I really heartily thanks to Google that provide me absolutely free service to run this blog .The platform provide by Google to me is very reliable to manged .Now my Hobby and Passion is to make different blogs ,searching new blogs and managing them..Also my hobby is Article writing and make tips for Computers and internet.
Idea for this Blog
One day I as searching on internet about the solution of error in my Computer that is not resolute able from me then I found many blogs and sites that provide me useful information for the solution of the error in my Computer on that time an idea came to me that I will also make a blog ( like them therefore I was make this blog to resolved the many problems of Computers and internet.
Which type of article are here
In this blog I have write article about Learning to , Seo , Smo , Html , Tips And Tricks and some about Technology , Science and some article are to get method or idea for online earning by tested methods .
In this blog nearly all article are written by myself but some are written by my elder brother. He Also help me in suggestion of articles as well as writing articles at the first he also help me in web designing and HTML work.Blog By my brother is